Our Partners

Dalit Welfare Organization (DWO) is working across all Nepal with the different National and International organizations/agencies/I/NGOs/CSOs, community groups, Networks, and Governments. Some Present and previous partners are as below.

International Partners/Networks (Present and Past)

  • Action Aid International
  • Care Nepal
  • Centre for International Studies and Cooperation (CECI)
  • Dan Church Aid (DCA)
  • Danida/ HUGOU
  • Development Fund Norway (DF, Norway)
  • DFID and UK aid
  • European Union
  • Helvetas Nepal
  • ILO
  • International Commission for Dalit Rights (ICDR)
  • International Dalit Solidarity Network (IDSN)
  • International Relief and Development
  • Lutheran World Federation
  • Maryknoll Nepal
  • Practical Action Nepal
  • Punya Foundation Australia
  • Save the Children International
  • Search for Common Ground
  • Shaping Young Minds Foundation-(SYMF), USA
  • Swiss Academy for Development (SAD)
  • Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
  • TCP Global
  • Tearfund
  • UNDP/A2J
  • United Mission to Nepal (UMN)
  • USC Asia Canada
  • Volunteer Services Oversees (VSO) Nepal
  • World Vision Nepal 

National Partners/Networks

  • Association of Community Radio Broadcasters Nepal (ACORAB)
  • CSO-Social Accountability Alliance Nepal (CSO-SAAN)
  • Dalit NGO Federation (DNF)
  • District Child Welfare Board
  • Human Rights and Treaty Monitoring Committee (HRTMCC)
  • National Alliance of Child Rights Organization (NACRO)
  • National Campaign for Education (NCE)
  • NGO group Network on Climate Change (NGONCC)
  • Poverty Alleviation Fund (PAF)
  • Right to Food National Network (RtFN)
  • SDGs National Network Nepal

Local Partners/Networks

  • Agriculture Knowledge Centers
  • Municipality and Gaupalika offices
  • District Child Welfare Board
  • District Disaster Response Committee (DDRC)
  • District Education Office
  • Local Dalit and Marginalised communities NGOs, CBOs and networks
  • Dalit and Farmers Cooperatives and Groups

Featured News

Opportunity of Scholarship

Scholarship opportunity in Bangladesh for Dalit women