
Dalit Welfare Organization (DWO) is a human rights and development NGO established on 16 September 1994 in Nepal. Its vision is to achieve a justifiable society by eliminating caste-based discrimination and untouchability. DWO is working to achieve its mission of dignified and respectful life of the Dalit community by using its integrated development approach. The principle approaches used by DWO is its right based advocacy and development program. In addition to these, media is another approach used by DWO to achieve its objectives.

The organization aims to create opportunities for the Dalit community in all sectors and the level of government policymaking. This is so that the Dalit people can achieve economic, social, educational and political equality. Its primary target groups are women, children, and ultra-poor from Dalit and other marginalized communities. The program stretches pan-Nepal with the active funded program in 22 of Nepal’s 77 districts and membership in 56 districts.

DWO has been implementing its programs through its district chapters mainly on the issues relating to the protection of Dalit human rights, socio-economic empowerment, education, women participation through the medium of radio, television program, magazine publication, social mobilization, community infrastructure development, and Dalit women cooperatives. More than 22 different types of programs are implemented with the collaboration and partnership with different donor agencies, INGOs, government support and local level organizations.


A justifiable society without caste-based discrimination and Untouchability.


  • To enable access to the Dalit community to all sectors of policymaking and implementation level
  • To protect and promote their rights, authority and dignity through economic, social, educational and political development. It raises awareness through organizational development programs.


Increase the access of the Dalit community to education, health, and employment by increasing the capacity of the organization and increasing representation and access to all state mechanisms and public infrastructure through rights-based advocacy.


  • To increase the inclusion of Dalit, women and discriminated community in the decision-making process and to raise their issues at policy-making levels through national and international debates and dialogue.
  • To eliminate all forms of Caste-based discrimination and Untouchability to attain a dignified life of Dalit and discriminated communities.
  • To enhance the rights claiming capacity of activists and DWO employees through organizational development.
  • To strengthen the economic status of Dalits and improve access to education for all Dalit communities
  • To broaden social awareness of the Dalit community.
  • To protect the Dalit and vulnerable community from Climate Change effect by promoting Climate Change Adaptation.
  • To increase awareness on issues relating to Health and Sanitation for the healthy life of Dalit and poor people.
  • To protect and promote biodiversity, water, and forest for safe human life.

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Opportunity of Scholarship

Scholarship opportunity in Bangladesh for Dalit women